
A cornucopia of art, essays, photos, poetry, ponderings, prose, stories and more depicting the motion of emotion’s power over our meandering minds!



My Women

This is one man’s journey told from his death bed. From poverty to true love he struggles under the crush of bigotry. His determination is impressive. Admitting to his imperfections, he protects his dignity becoming the best man he can be.


Emotion’s Motion ‘DECEPTION’

This emotional drama, inspired by news and crimes related to the ‘black lives matter’ movement, reveals how the dichotomy and discord of humans really has nothing to do with the color of one’s skin or social status.


Emotion’s Motion ‘FAMILY’

Through the voices of African Elephants, you will meet two brothers who suffer great loss at a young age, but, because of the love of others they are inspired to become much more than they ever hoped to be.

Opportunities rarely appear in a blaze of neon lights flashing ‘SEIZE ME’.

Usually a journey is required to reshape a tedious or unbearable

situation into one that is not only tolerable but exceptional!

The Meandering Mind e-Book

EMOTION’s MOTION ANTHOLOGY 2000-2020 is filled with Sophia Ann Montoya’s art, essays, photos, poetry, ponderings, prose & stories emerging from her meandering mind as it traveled from experience to experience coloring her memory’s mental maze. Her constant need to create whether it be fashion, art, videos or prose initially became gifts for loved ones. They encouraged her to document her work over the years. With the help of UCLA’s online writing courses, Los Angeles City College’s communication courses, Athena Markopulos’ SELECT Magazine publishing opportunities, along with, Mariana Williams’ storytelling event in the City of Long Beach, Sophia realized she was, also, a writer. Because of the advancement of computers, she was able to select her best efforts to share with you.  As you explore the pages of her e-book, ponder upon the power of emotion’s motion creating ‘thought’ within your meandering mind igniting action and reaction, never forgetting they are simply ‘choices’ revealing potential–productive or destructive–shaping your life moment by moment.

Amazon Author’s Page

The author page of this website offers a glimpse of Sophia Ann Montoya’s personality.

The author page on Amazon shares details about The Meandering Mind e-Book’s theme; emotion’s motion.

This website’s blog represents the spontaneity of the meandering mind.

Purchase on Amazon

NOTE: The estimated length is calculated using the number of page turns on a Kindle, using settings to closely represent a physical book. If you do not have a kindle search for Kindle Reader APP or download a different format. The Amazon/Kindle e-Book product details are as follows;

        • File size : 21652 KB
        • Publication date : November 11, 2020
        • Print length : 338 pages
        • Word Wise : Enabled
        • Language: : English
        • ASIN : B08MXJ844N
        • Text-to-Speech : Enabled
        • X-Ray : Not Enabled
        • Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
        • Screen Reader : Supported
        • Lending : Enabled

4 + 4 =

The Meandering Mind eBook

‘Emotion’s Motion’