Charles Tentindo
Tentindo’s World began with a desire to perform which emerged into creative arts, music, the Zen Riffer, acting, My Acting Studio, performance, the building of The Aurora Theater, presenting plays and, now, his production of opera in an intimate setting will thrill us as the voice of Camila Lima (the daughter of the giant operatic talent, Luis Lima) embraces our souls.
Charles Tentindo inquired about one of my residential real estate listings in 2003. He did not purchase the property but he introduced me to his creative world. He was removing a wall in a condo he already owned, and, writing his own music in hopes of creating a one man show.
Our friendship developed and I learned that his brother was an incredible dancer. His Mother taught me how to make Argentine Empanadas which helped me win the heart of an Argentine Business man thriving in the U.S.A.
Eventually, I invited Tentindo into my Tango World and danced with his Argentine Father. Then I took a giant leap of…”OKAY LET’S DO IT!” And we did! We made a documentary in 2004 about friendship and love in the setting of Tango. Entitled BLUE MOON, the experience was a blast.
Charles Tentindo’s determination to create a one of a kind musical masterpiece was a collaborative effort inclusive of the following talented minds: Eddie Montanna, Scott Miller, Terry Meredith, Dennis Barton, Michael Spalt, Kent Karlsson, Hung Lee and Daryl Wood. The Zen Riffer, a musical gem played around the world, started its fame at the fingertips of Jesse Carmichael of Maroon 5 and Jordan Rudess. This extraordinary instrument was the first keboard controller with an enclosed wireless midi built into the instrument. Furthermore, it captivates the audience and the musician.

ACTING: 26 miles of pain before I die (pre-production) | 2017 American Satan Rolling Stones Interviewer | 2015 The Impossible (Short) John | 2015 Death at a Diner (Short) Thomas | 2004 Bravura (Short) Anthony’s Father | 1999 L.A. Heat (TV Series) Detective Slater | Vengeance (1999) … Detective Slater (uncredited) | 1996 My Uncle the Alien Det. Gaines | 1996 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV Series) Jimenez | Crossfire (1996) … Jimenez | 1994 Clear and Present Danger Villain (uncredited) | 1994 Viper (TV Movie) Adolfo | 1984 Santa Barbara (TV Series) Day Player | 1965 Days of Our Lives (TV Series) Paul
FILM: 2004 Blue Moon Tango (Documentary) | 2001 Standing Cloud (Short) | 2000The Lesson (Short)
MUSIC: Keyboard composition & performance for Blue Moon (2004 Documentary) + Keyboard composition for Blue Moon’s scrolling credits.
DIRECTING: Telly Award winner, Charles directed the Lions Gate Documentary ‘Inside The International Arms Trade’ which was part of the Nicholas Cage film Lord of War DVD distributed worldwide.
THE AURORA THEATER : Designed & Constructed by Tentindo
The Aurora Theater, named after Charles Tentindo’s mother, is Long Beach’s most intimate theater offering great acoustics along with professional lighting and sound system; all of which is wrapped in elegance featuring 1940s vintage seating for up to 50 people.
The Aurora Theater, located at 4412 East Village Road, Long Beach, CA 90808, has proudly presented DIVAS IN DANGER. June 2018 features THE BRICK: A One Man Musical (Bill Berry), and, OPERA will astound the audience throughout the month of July 2018 with opening show scheduled for July 1st. This opera showcase is produced by Charles Tentindo.
I’ll see you there at the closing reception to mingle with the stars and enjoy the performance on July 29, 2018.

Premiere Screening of Blue Moon in Newport Beach, CA