In the previous segments of ‘ A Writer’s Journey ‘ Catherine Cruzan shared the importance of getting your story completely written before editing and enhancing the prose. You must have a finished manuscript before attending conferences and conventions for the purpose of seeking out an agent or publisher. Why? Because, hoping to be discovered in a ‘ slush pile ‘ is like believing you will find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
PUBLISHED: Catherine Cruzan
In the video posted above, Catherine Cruzan shares the second leg of her journey with you as she delves into marketing ‘Elfkind‘.
The creation of Elfkind was years in the making. Now, while reaching out to readers to offer them a new world of adventures they can carry in their hand, Cruzan passionately weaves her full time engineering career, the writing of her second novel, and book signing events into the finite hours and days of each week.
As she speaks in this video interview you will begin to understand the desire and dedication necessary to become a serious author of books.
CHALLENGES: A Writer’s Journey
A writer’s journey is a step by step process 1) from learning the craft of writing 2) to completing the book project 3) from presenting portions of the manuscript to live audiences to receive real time responses to the story and prose 4) from marketing the first book while writing the next 5) and from understanding the obligations of the agent, publisher and yourself as the author.
A writer’s journey is filled with obstacles and challenges that must be overcome to ensure forward movement in a direction heading toward fulfillment and success as experience by Catherine Cruzan and a host of others willing to be steadfast until the goal is accomplished.
Short Stories by Catherine Cruzan